As part of our coaching engagement, we will require that you grow through education and reading. Below is an ordered list of must read books for Leadership growth and development:
1. Leadership and Self Deception - Arbinger Institute
This is a journey every leader must wrestle with - that of understanding the failings of self deception. As Leadership is about Leading through others, we must first learn to understand and change ourselves, our strengths, issues and challenges. Only then can we hope to become more authentic and congruent and ultimately more influencial with her people.
2. The Anatomy of Peace - Arbinger Institute
Continuing the journey from Leadership and Self Deception, every Leader must learn to understand and deal with conflict - therefore facilitating better communication.
3. The E-Myth Revisited - Michael Gerber
Understanding the role of a Leader and Entrepreneur in an organisation. Michael Gerber is at the forefront of thinking about the impact of Leadership on business.
4. The Leadership Challenge - Kouzes and Posner
A broad and deep text on what Leadership really is. An outstanding reference guide with wonderful metaphors and stories. Heavily research based.
5. Mastering the Rockerfeller Habits - Verne Harnish
Masterful simplification of the keys to Leadership and Business success. Harnish is very talented at simplifying the complexity of business success.
6. Selling With Integrity - Sharon Drew Morgan
The new paradigm of sales and change - Morgan is a genius.
7. Dirty Little Secrets - Why Buyers Can't Buy and Sellers Can't Sell - Sharon Drew Morgan
Morgan has gone further in this book to look at how change occurs through the buying process. An extraordinary piece and literature that every Leader must read.
8. Bonds That Make us Free - Terry Warner
Warner is one of the Co-Founders of the Arbinger Institute. This book is an essential for the Leader in helping create meaningful relationships with their people (followers).
9. The Art of Possibility - Rosamund Zander
The new paradigm of Leadership - Leading through inspiring, enabling, awakening and empowering others - YOU MUST READ this book if you are in any type of Leadership position.
10. Generation Y - Peter Sheahan
An Australian author writing on thriving and surviving with Generation Y. A must read for any Leader dealing with 18 - 35 year old staff. This book will help you understand and awaken this generation from a Meta-perspective (Values/Thinking Patterns/Beliefs etc.